Poročilo, ki smo ga razvijali v sodelovanju s strokovnjaki s področja upravljanja voda, okoljske ekonomije in infrastrukture, je dodatna analiza vsakoletne ocene kakovosti kopalnih voda EU, razvita na podlagi številnih podatkov in informacij, ki jih Evropska agencija za okolje zbere poleg kvantitativnih podatkov.
Izvleček v angleščini: "Swimming is consistently ranked among the top public outdoor recreational activities in Europe and has numerous positive effects on human health and psychology. In the upcoming report, we summarise how over 40 years of European environmental policy and management have significantly improved bathing water quality across Europe. We outline the key challenges for bathing water management in Europe and describe how these are addressed by governments implementing the BWD through specific management measures, strategies and practices. In addition, we point out that the improvement in bathing water quality can serve as an inspiration for an example of best practice in environmental management."
Poročilo: https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/europes-clean-bathing-waters
Naročnik: EEA